Simulation setup


Class holds simulation configuration.


seed: int

Random generator seed value.
- default argument value in constructor: 1

time_step: float

Set the simulation time step to time_step seconds. 1e-6 (1us) is a common value.
One can set the time steps taken by individual molecules, but this
time step is still used as a default.
- default argument value in constructor: 1e-6

use_bng_units: bool

When False (default), MCell uses traditional MCell units for bimolecular reaction rates are:
* [M^-1*s^-1] for bimolecular reactions between either two volume molecules, a volume molecule
and a surface (molecule),
* [um^2*N^-1*s^-1] bimolecular reactions between two surface molecules on the same surface.
When True, BioNetGen units for bimolecular reaction rates are:
* [um^3*N^-1*s^-1] for any bimolecular reactions. Surface-surface reaction rate conversion assumes 10nm membrane thickness
BioNetGen units are compatible with BioNetGen’s ODE, SSA, and PLA solvers given that seed species
is copy number (N), these units are not compatible with NFSim.
No other units are affected by this setting.
- default argument value in constructor: False

surface_grid_density: float

Tile all surfaces so that they can hold molecules at N different positions per square micron.
- default argument value in constructor: 10000

interaction_radius: float

Diffusing volume molecules will interact with each other when
they get within N microns of each other. The default is
1/sqrt(PI * Sigma_s) where Sigma_s is the surface grid density
(default or user-specified).
- default argument value in constructor: None

intermembrane_interaction_radius: float

Diffusing surface molecules will interact with surface molecules on other
walls when they get within N microns of each other. The default is
1/sqrt(PI * Sigma_s) where Sigma_s is the surface grid density
(default or user-specified).
When unset, the default value is computed as:
1.0 / sqrt_f(MY_PI * surface_grid_density).
- default argument value in constructor: None

vacancy_search_distance: float

Rather internal, there is usually no need to change this value.
Used in dynamic geometry (see Model.apply_vertex_moves()).
When a wall moves or its dimensions change, this is the maximum search distance
use when looking onto which tiles place the molecules on this wall.
If no empty tile is found within this distance, simulation fails.
- default argument value in constructor: 10

center_molecules_on_grid: bool

If set to True, then all molecules on a surface will be
located exactly at the center of their grid element. If False, the
molecules will be randomly located when placed, and reactions
will take place at the location of the target (or the site of impact
in the case of 3D molecule/surface reactions).
- default argument value in constructor: False

partition_dimension: float

All the simulated 3d space is placed in a partition. The partition is a cube and
this partition_dimension specifies the length of its edge in um.
- default argument value in constructor: 10

initial_partition_origin: List[float]

Optional placement of the initial partition in um, specifies the left, lower front
point. If not set, value -partition_dimension/2 is used for each of the dimensions
placing the center of the partition to (0, 0, 0).
- default argument value in constructor: None

subpartition_dimension: float

Subpartition are spatial division of 3D space used to accelerate collision checking.
In general, partitions should be chosen to avoid having too many surfaces and molecules
in one subpartition.
If there are few surfaces and/or molecules in a subvolume, it is advantageous to have the
subvolume as large as possible. Crossing partition boundaries takes a small amount of time,
so it is rarely useful to have partitions more finely spaced than the average diffusion distance
of the faster-moving molecules in the simulation.
- default argument value in constructor: 0.5

total_iterations: float

Required for checkpointing so that the checkpointed model has information on
the intended total number of iterations.
Also used when generating visualization data files and also for other reporting uses.
Value is truncated to an integer.
- default argument value in constructor: 1000000

check_overlapped_walls: bool

Enables check for overlapped walls. Overlapping walls can cause issues during
simulation such as a molecule escaping closed geometry when it hits two walls
that overlap.
- default argument value in constructor: True

reaction_class_cleanup_periodicity: int

Reaction class cleanup removes computed reaction classes for inactive species from memory.
This provides faster reaction lookup faster but when the same reaction class is
needed again, it must be recomputed.
- default argument value in constructor: 500

species_cleanup_periodicity: int

Species cleanup removes inactive species from memory. It removes also all reaction classes
that reference it.
This provides faster addition of new species lookup faster but when the species is
needed again, it must be recomputed.
- default argument value in constructor: 10000

molecules_order_random_shuffle_periodicity: int

Randomly shuffle the order in which molecules are simulated.
This helps to overcome potential biases that may occur when
molecules are ordered e.g. by their species when simulation starts.
The first shuffling occurs at this iteration, i.e. no shuffle is done at iteration 0.
Setting this parameter to 0 disables the shuffling.
- default argument value in constructor: 10000

sort_molecules: bool

Enables sorting of molecules for diffusion, this may improve cache locality and provide
slightly better performance.
Produces different results for the same seed when enabled because molecules are simulated
in a different order.
- default argument value in constructor: False

memory_limit_gb: int

Sets memory limit in GB for simulation run.
When this limit is hit, all buffers are flushed and simulation is terminated with an error.
- default argument value in constructor: -1

initial_iteration: int

Initial iteration, used when resuming a checkpoint.
- default argument value in constructor: 0

initial_time: float

Initial time in us, used when resuming a checkpoint.
Will be truncated to be a multiple of time step.
- default argument value in constructor: 0

initial_rng_state: RngState

Used for checkpointing, may contain state of the random number generator to be set
after initialization right before the first event is started.
When not set, the set ‘seed’ value is used to initialize the random number generator.
- default argument value in constructor: None

append_to_count_output_data: bool

Used for checkpointing, instead of creating new files for Count observables data,
new values are appended to the existing files. If such files do not exist, new files are
- default argument value in constructor: False

continue_after_sigalrm: bool

MCell registers a SIGALRM signal handler. When SIGALRM signal is received and
continue_after_sigalrm is False, checkpoint is stored and simulation is terminated.
When continue_after_sigalrm is True, checkpoint is stored and simulation continues.
SIGALRM is not supported on Windows.
- default argument value in constructor: False



bng_verbosity_level: int

Sets verbosity level that enables printouts of extra information on BioNetGen
species and rules created and used during simulation.
- default argument value in constructor: 0

rxn_and_species_report: bool

When set to True, simulation generates files rxn_report_SEED.txt, and
species_report_SEED.txt that contain details on reaction classes and species
that were created based on reaction rules.
- default argument value in constructor: False

simulation_stats_every_n_iterations: int

When set to a value other than 0, internal simulation stats will be printed.
- default argument value in constructor: 0

rxn_probability_changed: bool

When True, information that a reaction’s probability has changed is printed during simulation.
- default argument value in constructor: True

iteration_report: bool

When True, a running report of how many iterations have completed, chosen based
on the total number of iterations, will be printed during simulation.
- default argument value in constructor: True

wall_overlap_report: bool

When True, information on wall overlaps will be printed.
- default argument value in constructor: False


This class contains warnings settings. For now it contains only one configurable warning.


high_reaction_probability: WarningLevel

Print a warning when a bimolecular reaction probability is over 0.5 but less or equal than 1.
Warning when probability is greater than 1 is always printed.
Cannot be set to WarningLevel.ERROR.
- default argument value in constructor: WarningLevel.IGNORE

molecule_placement_failure: WarningLevel

Print a warning or end with an error when a release of a molecule fails.
- default argument value in constructor: WarningLevel.ERROR