Face image analysis for expression measurement and detection of deceit
Marian Stewart Bartlett, Gianluca Donato, Javier R. Movellan, Joseph
C. Hager, Paul Ekman, Terrence J. Sejnowski
Proceedings of the 6th Annual Joint Symposium on Neural Computation, 1999.
Available from the Institute for Neural Computation, University of
California San Diego, 92093-0523.
The Facial Action Coding System (FACS) \cite{EkmanFriesen78} is an
objective method for quantifying facial movement in terms of
component actions. This system is widely used in behavioral
investigations of emotion, cognitive processes, and social
interaction. The coding is presently performed by highly trained
human experts. This paper explores and compares techniques for
automatically recognizing facial actions in sequences of
images. These methods include unsupervised learning techniques for
finding basis images such as principal component analysis,
independent component analysis and local feature analysis, and
supervised learning techniques such as Fisher's linear discriminants.
These data-driven bases are compared to Gabor wavelets, in which the
basis images are predefined. Best performances were obtained using
the Gabor wavelet representation and the independent component
representation, both of which achieved 96\% accuracy for classifying
twelve facial actions. Once the basis images are learned, the ICA
representation takes 90\% less CPU time than the Gabor representation
to compute. The results provide evidence for the importance of using
local image bases, high spatial frequencies, and statistical
independence for classifying facial actions. Measurement of facial
behavior at the level of detail of FACS provides information for
detection of deceit. Applications to detection of deceit are